Monday, April 30, 2012

Creating Spaces for Nourishment and Wellbeing, by Monica Stone, LifeWays Cook and Caregiver

When I look out at the children each day, gathered at the table, enjoying an organic, homemade meal, I think how so very lucky they are to be a part of such a nourishing environment. For many children who reside in the same community, sharing a home cooked meal and having access to healthful foods is rare. Processed, unnatural foods are heavily advertised, dominate the shelves in local supermarkets, and remain the only viable option for most families; all the while diabetes and obesity are on the rise among our youth. As I contemplate protection, I think how imperative it is to foster nourishing environments that allow our children to grow into strong, motivated, healthful beings. Whole grains, protein rich legumes, leafy green vegetables, and fresh fruits lay the foundation for a healthy mind, body, and soul. Organic foods devoid of pesticides, herbicides, and modified genes, shield our bodies from harmful toxins that have shown links to certain cancers and food allergies. Not to mention organically grown foods are healthy for the earth too! This, however, is not the conventional wisdom, as Mary knows firsthand. When seeking advice on how to best uproot a field of goldenrod to make way for planting vegetables at our new Lifeways farm, she received one answer loud and clear from fellow farmers: ‘Spray everything with Roundup’. Conventional wisdom is not always wise! Luckily Mary did not take their advice and has been busily working the land herbicide free. Soon families will have the opportunity to help out at the farm, planting and harvesting organic produce that will make its way into the Lifeways kitchen and into the mouths of our little ones. What a wonderful way to broaden our connection to wholesome, soulfully cultivated foods and create a space for children to thrive.  As I wipe my hands on my apron and bring the last dish out to the table, I feel a sense of wellbeing for I know how truly fortunate we are.

                                                                                                                        Happy Spring!
                                                                                                                        Miss Monica

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