Saturday, August 14, 2010

How Does LifeWays Prepare Children For School?

How Does LifeWays Prepare Children For School?

"In a large class of 29 first grade students, I could see immediately that I had a solid group of children, leaders, who were interested in learning and who excelled in every subject. In my previous class, I had an occasional scattering of such children but in this new class many students seemed to be not only eager to engage but also balanced and flexible, despite their various temperaments and personalities. They were cooperative, kind and forgiving, and helpful to others. Because of their ability to receive, digest, and transform the information I presented, we were able to cover an unusually broad range of skills during class time. The entire situation was quite extraordinary.
Upon further inquiry, it came to my attention that most of the children in this core group had all attended the Lifeways early childhood program before entering Kindergarten. But it was not only the children who were well educated prior to their arrival in first grade, I also found the parents of these students to be well versed in the philosophy behind our education, forming a trusting and supportive circle around the class and its teacher! I credit both our own school's Kindergarten as well as the Lifeways program with helping parents to understand, early on, the importance of a healthy and whole foods diet, low media exposure, creative play, and the healing qualities of time spent outdoors surrounded by nature. The Lifeways Children and their families are indeed on an early road to a life of academic, emotional, physical, and social success."

Nancy Price, Waldorf teacher

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